Sunday, July 25, 2010

Yellen Security Consulting Newsletter for July 25, 2010

Newsletter for July 25, 2010

Special on Vehicle Safety

Vehicle Safety is not an easy topic to discuss.  When we start talking about vehicle safety, we have to first realize that our vehicles are one of the hardest things to protect.  We leave then unattended for hours every day and rely on the security of the place we park to protect our vehicles.  Even when we install an alarm on our vehicle, it does not alert us or the police that the vehicle is being broken into.  The vehicle makes an audible sound that relies on people near or around the car to be alert and notify police.  Why do you think that so many vehicles are stolen every year?  It is nearly impossible to prevent them from being stolen, vandalized, or burglarized. 

Occasionally, I will watch a T.V. show called "What would you do?" The show is a hidden camera show that is supposed to answer the question, what would a person do in a particular situation.  They place random people in a situation and act out a particular event to see what human instincts will drive us to do.  The other day I watched the show and they set up a scene where three teenagers were breaking into and spray painting a car in a public park.  The show made me laugh as people refused to do anything about the three people vandalizing a car in public.  So what is the difference between a car in public view being vandalized, and a car being stolen or burglarized in the middle of the night.  When we rely on random other people to be the protectors of our personal property, we are setting ourselves up for failure.  These random people we rely on are not trained or prepared to deal with car theft.  Some of them are not even capable of picking up the phone and calling 911, this was clearly demonstrated in the T.V. show I talked about.

So how can I protect my valuables when I park my car?  First of all, park in a well-lit public area.  Make sure that cars frequently pass by your vehicle.  When shopping, make sure you park near a store, where cameras are more likely to be pointed.  If you can, make sure you can see your car from the building you are in.  At work, if your employer requires you to park as far from regular parking as possible, ask them to place bright lights all around that area.  Make sure the light extends beyond the cars so it is harder for people to hide in the shadows the lights create.  Next, don't leave valuables visible in your vehicle. Hide them as best as you can, but don't forget that criminals know this too!  Don't leave your car in a parking lot with a blanket covering a big lump in your back seat.  Try hiding it in various compartments already built into your car, or take them with you.  If you are notorious for having a huge covering of Mcdonalds and Burger King garbage all over your car, you are already set for hiding your valuables.  You can just cover your valuables with the garbage.  Most criminals can spot the cars to break into, a vehicle filled with garbage and junk is not optimal for a criminal.  Don't forget the most important tip of all!  NEVER, EVER leave your vehicle unlocked and unattended.  Whether it is for one second, ten minutes, or a few days, don't ever leave it unlocked.  For more tips, give me a call at 801-810-MORE, or visit my website at  The information provided here is only a small amount of the knowledge I have for protecting yourself. 

Last week, I asked you what the type of plant is best to surround your house with to make it safer.  The answer is the thorniest rose bushes you can find.  Place them under all ground level windows.  Criminals will hide in regular bushes because of how well they can conceal people.  Make the bushes as thorny as possble to keep intruders away.

This weeks trivia question is: What type of lights are the best to have pointed at your vehicle?  Don't hesitate to answer, there are no wrong answers!

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