Sunday, July 18, 2010

Yellen Security Consulting Newsletter for July 18, 2010

Newsletter for July 18, 2010

Special on Burglary

Last weeks topic was on the limitations of law enforcement.  I felt this topic was important because I wanted people to have a better understanding of what the police are able to do.  Without this very basic understanding, people will be unnecessarily upset with law enforcement.  

The information I included in last week's topic only skimmed the surface of what police are capable of doing.  As a matter of fact, it would probably take me a few months of constant training to educate a person so they fully understand what law enforcement goes through every day.  You might be asking yourself, "how can I fully understand law enforcement?". There are two possible ways to take care of this.  Option one is not as feasible for everybody, and that is to become a police officer.  The other option is quite simple, go on a ride along with your local police department.  

Many people don't know that most Law Enforcement agencies allow the general public to take a free ride with a police officer.  This option is available to you specifically so you can have a better understanding of law enforcement.  All you have to do is call and ask (don't call 911, call the non-emergency number).  I strongly encourage all of my readers to take advantage of this offer.  If you want to know more, feel free to email me with your questions. 

This weeks topic is on Burglary.  Burglary is a simple crime that affects millions of people.  As the economy  continues to struggle, criminal desperation increases.  People who normally wouldn't take such chances, quickly find themselves taking new risks.  With the number of Burglaries increasing every day, the question quickly arises," How can I protect myself?"  The quickest fix is what everybody wants.  So they call an alarm company.  The alarm company comes out and installs a product that best suites your budget.  Most of the time, the alarm is not even set up to take care of your biggest concerns.

So, how can you completely protect yourself from Burglary?  The answer is quite simple.  First, you can never be completely safe, but you can make your home very unappealing to Burglars.  Simply take a few extra steps to secure your home.  Most of the tips to secure your home cost less than $100!  So instead of calling that alarm company to install an expensive alarm, why not try a few things that will keep you safer for just a couple of dollars?

Many people think that it is law enforcement's job to protect them.  They don't want to spend money on their own safety because they just figure it won't happen to them, and it is not their job to worry about that.  This type of thinking is dangerous to your family.  There are multiple reasons to protect yourself and your possessions while you are not at home.  One of the reasons I would be worried, would be that you will never again feel safe in your house, no matter what you do.  People think that feeling that way is for wimps and losers, but it's not!  If you can't feel safe in your own home, you will never feel safe again.  The other problem is that statistically, burglars are rarely caught.  When they are caught, they either don't have your stuff anymore, or they have damaged it.  

This reminds me of a story from when I was younger.  My father proudly displayed several decorations on the outside of his home.  The decorations were a terracotta sun, moon and stars.  Shortly after we moved to a small town, they were stolen.  My father made a police report, and amazingly enough, they were found and returned.  However, by the time that police found them, the thieves had spray painted them an ugly silver color to make them unidentifiable.  The spray paint ruined the beautiful decorations which were no longer proudly displayed on the side of our home.  The safety and security of our home had been compromised, and an irreplaceable item had been damaged.  No amount of insurance money would have restored either of those.

So the next time that you find yourself saying that it won't happen to you, or that you have insurance and don't need to worry about it, I strongly encourage you to reconsider.  Look through your house right now and decide if you lost everything, if it could be replaced.  What I encourage you to do is to take one of my basic security courses.  Each of my courses discuss various ways to protect yourself.  

Coming up next week: Car Safety!

Trivia Question:  What type of plant is best to surround your house with to deter criminal activity?  Place your answer in the comment section

Feel free to comment as much as you would like on this story.

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