Sunday, August 1, 2010

Yellen Security Consulting Newsletter for August 1, 2010

Newsletter for August 1, 2010

Special on Firearms

This weeks topic is considered to be about as controversial as abortion, the 2nd Amendment. Each person has their own opinion about the 2nd Amendment and the rights of an individual to carry a firearm. First, let's look at what the 2nd Amendment reads:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Seems like a pretty clear and to the point sentence, right?  Well, that depends on who you talk to.  Some people say that James Madison was talking about the same thing when he referred to "Militia" as he was when he referred to "keep and bear arms."  Meaning that James Madison was setting us up to have the National Guard, a well regulated Militia that has the right to bear arms.  Then there are those who say that James Madison was referring to two separate topics in the same sentence.  Meaning that James Madison was talking about having a Militia, and that we have the right to keep and bear arms.  Some joke that James Madison actually just wanted us to be able to have two arms of a bear, or bear arms.  Obviously, we all know what side of the debate I fall on.  As a gun owner myself, I feel like James Madison was giving the rights to the individuals, not the government, to keep and bear arms.  After just fighting the revolutionary war, and freeing themselves from England, do you really think that James Madison wanted to create a National Guard controlled by the government?  The same National Guard that they just revolted from?  You can create your own opinion about this, because the purpose of my newsletter is not to convince you politically one way or the other.

Robert E. Heinlein once said that an armed society is a polite society.   Every day I carry a concealed firearm.  I feel strongly that someday I might need my firearm to protect myself from the evil of this world.  Every day I hear about another person killed in senseless violence that could be prevented so easily.  So I carry my firearm, and pray that I may never have to pull the trigger.  It is better to have something and not need it, than to need something and not have it.  

Many people misunderstand what I am saying and think that I want every man, woman and child to have access to a firearm.  This could not be any further from the truth.  What I want is every person who is physically and mentally ready to carry a firearm, to do it.  Who should not have a firearm?  Felons, anybody convicted of a violent crime, anybody convicted of a crime involving a firearm, people who are not mentally capable of having a firearm, and people who are not physically ready to carry a firearm.  

This week I discovered that the child my wife will be bringing into this world in December is going to be a girl.  When my daughter is old enough to understand, I will be teaching my daughter about firearms.  When she is physically strong enough, she will shoot her first gun under my supervision.  She will be raised around firearms and she will know the danger and importance of them.  This is one of the many steps I will take to keep my daughter safe.  Parents who place firearms in children's hands without teaching them first, have already failed their children.  You must learn to crawl before you can walk, you must learn the danger of firearms before you can have one.

Carrying a firearm is a big deal when it comes to safety.  You can carry mace and you can carry a stun gun, but you can't beat the safety and peace of mind a firearm brings you.  I strongly encourage firearms to be part of any person's security plan.  You can do a lot of things to keep you and your family safe, but nothing is more important than personal protection.  This is why I plan on putting on a concealed weapon permit class as often as possible.  Please email me at for more information.

I realize that I have barely scratched the surface on the discussion of firearms.  There is so much more to firearms than what I have discussed.  If you would like to know more, please feel free to call me at 801-810-MORE or email me at  

Last week's trivia question was "what are the best type of lights to have pointed at your vehicle?"  There are two possible answers.  Either the brightest light you can find, or a motion sensitive light.

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